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Toujours en quête de défis personnels, Roxane passe pour la première fois derrière la caméra lors de son séjour aux Seychelles et réalise ainsi seule le clip de sa chanson « Not over »  véritable hymne à l’amour spirituel, inconditionnel et éternel. Elle réitèrera l’expérience en 2021 et 2022 pour les morceaux [‘remidi]  et "Connected " ainsi  qu'en 2023 ou elle signera avec son ami vidéaste Maxime Batter le clip de sa chanson  "Liberty".

Always looking for personal challenges, Roxane goes behind the camera for the first time during her stay in the Seychelles Islands to realizes alone the video of her song "Not over", a true hymn to spiritual, unconditional and eternal love.

She will repeat the experience in 2021 and 2022 for the tracks [‘remidi] and Connected as well as in 2023 where she will signed with her videographer friend Maxime Batter the music video of her song "Liberty".



Written, composed, directed and produced by Roxane Fréché
Editing and directed by Maxime Batter from MBR recording

Recorded, mixed and mastered by Gérald Jans to the Noise factory studio.
© Mister and Miss Label 2023.

Written, composed, produced and directed by Roxane Fréché.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Gérald Jans to the Noise factory studio.
© Mister and Miss Label 2022.


Not over

Written, composed, produced and directed by Roxane Fréché.
Recorded, mixed and mastered by Gérald Jans to the Noise factory studio.
© Mister and Miss Label 2021.

Written, composed, produced and directed by Roxane Fréché.
Recorded, mixed and mastered to the Noise Factory Studio by Gérald Jans.

© Mister and Miss Label 2015



Evil Dream

Directed by Gilles Labarbe
© Mister and Miss Label 2011

Evil Dream. Directed by Gilles Labarbe.
Artwork by Denis Meyers.
© Mister and Miss Label 2010

Live Music

Roxane Fréché "Grey Matter" Live Session

A Jewel cover captured in a pure simplicity on October 31 2024, at the natural reserve "La boulaie du Rouge Poncé” for the benefit of the belgian "Viva For Life" association who fights against children poverty.
Directed and Produced by Roxane Fréché & Maxime Batter

Connected music live

Recorded to the Rockamusic 
Directed by Maxime Btr
Music by Roxane Fréché
Big thank you to all the rockamusic team. Keep on rocking guys.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas

Hunter Björk cover.

Recorded at the Conservatory Edouard Bastin Ciney 2021

Recorded at art house Kobe Japan 2017.

site internet crée par - website created by ©misterandmisslabel ®roxanefreche

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